Pure Grit Podcast

Meet the Voice Inside Your Phone - Karen Jacobsen AKA Siri Tells All!

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Brace yourselves, because this episode of Pure Grit is truly one-of-a-kind! Have you ever wondered who’s the voice behind Siri? Well, it’s none other than the multifaceted Karen Jacobsen!

As a young girl, Karen Jacobsen looked up to Olivia Newton-John, dreaming of a life on stage. Determined to follow in her idol’s footsteps, Karen made her way to New York and achieved success as an award-winning singer and songwriter.

But life had an even more incredible twist in store for her. An ordinary audition for a text-to-speech voice system catapulted her into global fame, making her the iconic voice of Siri. From giving you directions to setting your alarms, Karen’s voice is now in over a billion devices worldwide!

This episode dives deep into the life of a woman who is far more than just a voice in your smartphone. Karen is a businesswoman, a riveting speaker, and an incredibly talented singer-songwriter. Her latest album is already making waves, and she continues to be a force to reckon with in both music and tech.

Perhaps what’s most inspiring about Karen is her resilience. She talks openly about facing setbacks, losing everything, and then picking herself up to start anew. Her story is a treasure trove of life lessons on how to deal with failures and turn them into stepping stones for success.

Prepare to be entertained, enlightened, and perhaps even redirected. Karen Jacobsen is living proof that sometimes the route to success is full of unexpected turns and reroutes. Don’t miss this delightful conversation as we navigate through her extraordinary journey.

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